De Loop
Team – Thomas Balduyck, Louise Bivort, Milan Keymeulen, Laura Lievevrouw
Masterplan, ontwikkelen van woningen
Dit project positioneert zich in een groter masterplan opgemaakt door een groep van 25 studenten, met de focus op duurzaamheid en klimaat-design. De opdracht vroeg om een toekomstplan voor de loop te ontwikkelen, waarbij nagedacht moest worden over de site als een toekomstige ‘Urban village‘.
Het project werd onderverdeeld in verschillende thema’s. Met een kleinere groep dachten we na over de implementatie van voedsel en natuur op de site. Elke groep was bovendien ook verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerpen van een type gebouw passend voor de site.
De visietekst vat kort samen op welke manier we het masterplan wilden beïnvloeden vanuit het natuur en voedsel perspectief.
As a nature team, we wanted to take this assignment to look more in depth to the situation of Ghent. We started out on a bigger scale, looking at the future plans the government has for Ghent. The site, which is a wasteland at this moment, is situated between two big green poles – already existing – near the city center. they are a part of a bigger plan to make a green lung around the city of Ghent.
The Loop site has been subject for several development ideas, none of which included the future vision concerning nature. We are convinced the site can be a future standard when it comes to implementing nature, residencies and a healthy work environment.
More than implementing nature on site, we want to make a positive impact on Ghent as a city. Because the loop is surrounded by farmland, an opportunity can be taken to start a collective of farmers around the site that produce food with the permaculture system. It’s a system that works with nature, rather than against it. It is better for the environment, produces a bigger variety of vegetables, herbs and edible plants and produces different crops around the year.
The loop fits into this permaculture story because it can house the biggest permaculture-only market in the world. As a result, the site will get a lot of visitors, where local shops, restaurants and bars can benefit from. Implementing residencies on the plot is beneficial for the housing problem Ghent has at the moment. Quality living in a sustainable and self-sufficient environment is the main objective of the urban village that can take shape on the site.
The entire site will not be developed entirely at the same time, so the land can be claimed to implement a temporary, permaculture park. It can produce food and be a banner for the permaculture system as a whole. The park includes food growing, leisure and sport facilities, making the site an attractive living area.
Natuurlijke ventilatie – Concept
Winter – Zomer – Lente/Herfst